
Iamstartedstreamingnewandusingnighbot.IamstreamingJustdancegamesandiseeotherstreamersusing!srcommandandtakingsongquests ...,Hithere,Iwanttodoacustomcommandsowhenauserputsinthechat#andthenameofthesonggetitintheqeue.,,Step1-帳號連動並將機器人拉至聊天室·到自己Twitch頻道的聊天室,輸入指令/modnightbot·確認觀眾名單有Nightbot存在即可 ...,Bot接收到指令後的回覆訊息內容,值得注意的是這裡可以帶上變數來顯...

sr command for listing song requests

I am started streaming new and using nighbot. I am streaming Just dance games and i see other streamers using !sr command and taking song quests ...

Custom command for !sr - Nightbot

Hi there, I want to do a custom command so when a user puts in the chat # and the name of the song get it in the qeue.

Nightbot 點歌機器人教學

Step 1 - 帳號連動並將機器人拉至聊天室 · 到自己Twitch 頻道的聊天室, 輸入指令 /mod nightbot · 確認觀眾名單有Nightbot 存在即可 ...

Twitch NightBot 教學自動回話、點歌

Bot接收到指令後的回覆訊息內容,值得注意的是這裡可以帶上變數來顯示一些,例如天氣、觀眾名稱等等的訊息. 例如: 現在台北的天氣是$(weather Taipei).

nightbot 教學 - 創作大廳

Nightbot網站連結1.登入twitch帳號2.他會詢問是否進行授權,點選授權3.進入後台管理後,右上角應該會出現”join channel”的按鈕,點選後機器人會加入到頻道中4.他會提示你, ...


Your Live Chat Made Simple. Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more. Add to Chat

Night's Song Requests

Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more.

mL7support's Song Requests

Nightbot is an essential streamer tool for automating live chat messages, moderation, and more.

分享實況中用Nightbot 讓觀眾/自己在聊天室點歌!

1.首先進入Nightbot登入你的實況平台: · 2.進到Dashboard 下面的Custom 頁面的的+Add Command · 3.點之後會出現(內容是我已經設定好的點歌指令) · 4.進到Song ...

File & Image Uploader 8.5.0 免費空間批次上傳

File & Image Uploader 8.5.0 免費空間批次上傳
